It is time for the main card of UFC 152 to kick off from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Canada. MMAFrenzy continues our coverage of UFC 152 with our play-by-play of tonight’s main card. Be sure to refresh often for updates on the action and round-by-round scoring.
Also make sure to check out our earlier coverage of the nights preliminary action with our recaps of the FX and Facebook cards.
Light Heavyweight Title Fight: Jon Jones (c) vs. Vitor Belfort
Round 1 – “Big” John McCarthy is our referee for tonight’s main event, and we are underway. Jones comes out low. Vitor chant already started. Single leg by Jones and Belfort tries a guillotine but it’s not there. Jones in Belfort’s guard now. Belfort with an armbar and it is deep and some how Jones fights out with out breaking his arm. That was incredibly close to ending the fight. Elbow by Jones. Elbows from Jones and Belfort is cut. Belfort tries another armbar but Jones fights it off. Wicked elbows by Jones and a big punch by Jones now. Belfort wearing a lot of damage now. Belfort is still looking for that armbar and Jones just keeps opening that cut with nasty elbows. Body punch by Jones. Nice elbow by Jones again. Big left by Jones. Another big left by Jones. Belfort attempts another armbar and Jones backs out. Jones is kicking the legs of Belfort. Jones with a big shot as he passes to side control to end the round. Jones clutches his arm as the round ends. MMAFrenzy scores that round 10-9 Jones.
Doctor checks out Belfort’s eye between rounds but “Big” John asks Belfort if he wants to continue and he says yes.
Round 2 – Jones has Belfort’s back to the cage quickly with jabs and front leg side kicks. Headkick by Belfort. Headkick by Jones. Front leg side kicks to the thigh by Jones land stiff. Belfort looks for an overhand right and misses it. Legkick by Jones. More front side kicks to the thigh by Jones. Jones misses a pair of hooks. Little movement by Belfort so far. Front kick to the face by Jones and a side kick by Jones. Belfort is just looking for one shot and Jones with a powerful combo. Big knee by Jones and Belfort pulls guard. Jones looking to pass. More elbows by Jones. Belfort looking for the right armbar again. More elbows by Jones. Hook to the head by Jones. Big elbows by Jones. Triangle attempt by Belfort as the round ends but it wasn’t close. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Jones (20-18)
Round 3- Headkick by Jones. More front leg side kicks by Jones to the thighs. Legkick by Belfort. Wicked side kick the body drops Belfort. Axe kick by Jones and he works into Belfort’s guard. Jones looking to pass again. Belfort looking for submissions and Jones stands him up. Stomp to the thigh by Jones. Big overhand right by Belfort is blocked by Jones. Side kick to the body by Jones. Belfort clinches with Jones and Belfort pulls guard. More elbows by Jones. Jones looking to pass but Belfort is keeping his guard closed. Big elbow by Jones. Belfort looking for wrist control but loses it. Jones passes to half guard with :40 to go. More elbows by Jones. Another big series of elbows by Jones as Belfort recovers guard. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Jones (30-27)
Round 4 – Belfort wearing a nice welt where the Jones side kick landed. Jones misses a headkick. Belfort tries a head kick and misses it. Belfort pulls guard after an exchange and Jones hammers him into side control, takes the crucifix position and finishes the fight with an absolutely beautiful keylock.
Jon Jones def. Vitor Belfort via submission (keylock) at 0:54 of Round 4
Inaugural Flyweight Title Fight: Joseph Benavidez vs. Demetrious Johnson
Round 1 – Yves Lavigne is the referee tonight. Nice left by DJ. Nice combo by Benavidez. Knee by Benavidez in the clinch. Nice knee by DJ. Nice left by Benavidez. Nice straight right by DJ catches Benavidez coming in. Wild takedown attempt by Benavidez misses and DJ tries to pounce but eats a hard shot from Benavidez. Combo by Benavidez and he forces the clinch to slow DJ down. Wicked right by DJ. Nice knee to the body by Benavidez. Benavidez looks wild here and is struggling to corral DJ. Benavidez clinches and takes an ill advised roll for a kneebar as the round ends. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Johnson.
Round 2 – A lot of speed to start the round here. Legkick by DJ but Benavdez charges and lands a nice shot. Quick exchanges here. Benavidez clinches again and lands a few shots but nothing hard. Pair of left kicks to the body by Benavidez. Benavidez drops to a low single but doesn’t get it. Benavidez with another double attempt but DJ’s hips are just too excellent. DJ turns the corner and briefly has Benavidez’s back but cannot finish it. Nice combo by Benavidez and a massive right by Benavidez steals the round. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (19-19).
Round 3 – Benavidez is still rushing to try and corral DJ but just can’t time it. Quick combos by both fighters. Body kick by Benavidez. Takedown attempt by DJ. Nice body shot to head combo by Benavidez. Nice legkick by Benavidez. Crowd oddly booing. DJ with a kick but Benavidez times it perfectly and gets a brief takedown and DJ slips out. Nice knee by Benavidez on the exit. Nice right to left hook by combo by Benavidez. Eyepoke by Lavigne waves it on and says he didn’t say that. Leg kick by Benavidez. Jab by DJ. Nice knee by Benavidez but a solid right by DJ. Extremely close round there. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (29-28).
Round 4 – Nice counter right by DJ. Superman punch by Benavidez misses. Huge right by Benavidez and DJ with a desparation shot but Benazidez locks up a gullotine and gains mount. DJ is desperately defending now. DJ escapes and attacks with a knee bar but Benavidez works out and is back to half guard. Benavidez was looking to set up a choke but didn’t seal off the angle there and DJ escapes. Benavidez tries a Japanese Whizzer but misses it and ends up on bottom. Benavidez is back up now. Benavidez goes for a big shot but DJ ducks it and scores the take down. Benavidez right back up now. DJ ducks another punch with a gorgeous takedown and gets side control. Impressive round. Looked like it was heading for a 10-8 but DJ recovered nicely. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Benavidez (39-36).
Round 5 – Touch of gloves and we’re off. Body kick by DJ. Endurance isn’t an issue for either fighter here. Beautiful shot and reshot by DJ and he scores a brief takedown. Body kick by Benavidez is blocked. Solid left by DJ. Legkick by DJ is countered by a right from Benavidez. DJ with a takedown now. Benavidez scrambles and works out. Two minutes left now. Combo by Benavidez is answered by a counter right from DJ. Benavidez tries a takedown and eats a kick. Crowd is inexplicably booing again… wow… DJ tries for a shot and Benavidez misses it. Benavidez with a nice right. DJ tries a takedown and misses it. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Johnson but the fight for Benavidez 48-47. Scores will be all over the place for this one. Great fight.
Demetrious Johnson def. Joe Benavidez via split decision (48-47, 47-48, 49-47)
Michael Bisping vs. Brian Stann
Round 1 – Josh Rosenthal is our referee tonight. Stann comes out stalking. Power shot by Stann but Bisping answers nicely. Stann gets it to the fence and works the clinch. Bisping reverses and lands a few strikes of his own. Stann is loading his right hand. Legkick by Stann. Jab by Bisping. Legkick by Stann. Stiff jab by Bisping. Nice counter right by Stann. Double leg attempt by Bisping and Stann shows marked improvement in his takedown defense. Big elbow by Bisping and a nice shot by Stann as they release the clinch. Stann shakes off an errant groin shot. Nice combo by Stann. Bisping with a good combo but Stann lands nice shots as well. Errant low kick by Stann this time and Bisping and we’re back. Bisping tells Stann “we’re even now” and smiles. Nice jab by Bisping. Double to a single by Bisping but Stann defends. Big right by Stann rocks Bisping. Stann tries to finish but Bisping clinches against the cage. MMAFrenzy scores a close round 10-9 Stann.
Round 2 – Nice exchanges so far and a solid leg kick by Stann. Bisping tries another double and readjusts this time with a nice scoop into side control. Bisping works for the crucifix but Stann reverses him and lands a big right. Stann in Bisping’s guard now. Bisping has a classic triangle set up now. Stann catches a thumb to the eye and Bisping escapes. Bisping controlling the clinch along the cage. Jab by Bisping. Hard jab by Bisping. Legkick by Bisping. Lot of good hand and head movement by Bisping now that was missing in round one. Double by Bisping and Stann defends but Bisping adjusts beautifully and scores another big scoop into side control. Kimura attempt by Bisping as the round ends. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Bisping (19-19).
Round 3 – Big kicks by both fighters. Nice combo by Bisping. Bisping with another takedown but Stann is back up now. Nice right by Stann on the clinch separation. Nice combo by Bisping. Stann looking to connect but Bisping tries another shot. Hard left by Stann but a great counter combo by Bisping. Bisping in for a takedown but Stann defends again. Nice knee by Stann in the clinch. Ninety ticks left now. Nice right by Stann. Nice right by Stann. Bisping with a takedown attempt and doesn’t get it. Body clinch by Bisping and he gets the trip but Stann is back up. Bisping tries another takedown and Stann defends again. Stann tries for a big combo but misses and the round ends. Very tight round but MMAFrenzy scores the round, and the fight, for Bisping 29-28.
Michael Bisping def. Brian Stann via unanimous decision (29-28,29-28,29-28)
Matt Hamill vs. Roger Hollet
Round 1 – Dan Miraglotta is our referee and we’re back. Hamill keeping his hands low but looking to control the striking game. Hollet looks tense. Night right to a left to the body by Hollet. Fighters exchanging shots but nothing definitive now. Nice left by Hamill. Legkick by Hamill. Hamill drops to a single and then finishes with a crotch lift. Hamill in back side control and he’s teeing off with punches. Hamill laces the ankle and continues with punches. Hammer fists to opposite side by Hamill now. Hollet is just taking the shots. Hollet finally escapes. Big right to the body that hurt Hamill there. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Hamill.
Round 2 – Hollet still looks stiff but his power is still a threat. Spinning back kick attempt by Hollet misses. Hamill misses a single leg. Hollet loads up but Hamill drops into a double leg and finishes it easy. Hamill looking to pass. Hollet escapes back to his feet. Spinning back kick by Hollet lands but there’s not a lot of steam on it. Hamill looks to have tired himself out after that massive attack in the first. Hollet stuffs the shot by Hamill. Neither fighter doing much here. Hamill ducks a spinning back fist and takes Hollet’s back and lifts him up and brings him to the canvas. Hamill lands two shots as the round ends. MMAFrenzy scores the round 10-9 Hamill.
Round 3 – Hollet comes out with more energy in the third. Beautiful double by Hamill. Big right by Hamill on the ground. Hamill has back side mount again. More punches by Hamill. Hollet tries to grab his glove but Hamill keeps pounding. Hollet tries a roll but Hamill recognizes it and sinks a half to stop the roll. Hollet in half guard now. More rights by Hamill. Hollet finally back to his feet with just over two left. Big shot to the body by Hollet. Hamill looks gassed but hits a hard driving double to bring Hollet back down to the mat. Miraglotta stands them up with 0:50 left. Hamill lands another takedown and goes back to ground-and-pound as the round ends. Should be an easy 30-27 victory for Hamill.
Matt Hamill def. Roger Hollet via unanimous decision (29-28,30-27,30-27)
Charles Oliveira vs. Cub Swanson
Round 1 – Yves Lavigne is our referee and UFC 152 is now underway. Touch of gloves here. Big legkick by Swanson. Oliveira stalks and lands a nice shot but Swanson counters with a nice hook. Oliveira takes the fight to the mat. Both fighters controlling posture now. Swanson escapes to his feet. Leg kick by Oliveira. Huge body shot by Swanson hurts Oliveira. Massive overhand right from Swanson. Oliveira takes a step back and then just drops to the mat in a heap.
Cub Swanson def. Charles Oliveira via KO at 2:42 of Round 1
Karen Darabedyan Viacheslav Datsik Marcus Davis Tony DeSouza