Friday, 22 February 2013

The four biggest moments from ‘The Ultimate Fighter’

The second episode of "The Ultimate Fighter" doesn't have the same buzz as the first one, but still had plenty of drama. Before we start, is anyone else thrown off by the extremely close focus on fighters faces? I don't feel the need to count anyone's pores.

On the last show, Luke Barnatt, Team Sonnen's first pick, and Gilbert Smith, from Team Jones, were paired up to fight by Jon Jones. Here are the biggest moments from the show.

Honesty from coaches on Gil's chances to win. They showed a meeting where the coaches spoke about how they were concerned about the fight, and Gil is cognizant of their lack of faith. It gets weirder as his teammates go to the coaches about their concerns on Gil's readiness.

Jones breaking down the overhand punch for Gil. In the past, fighters and coaches hadn't been so explicit about game plans on camera, and didn't give coaching tips like they did on Tuesday night.

A fight that went exactly as his teammates said it would. Gilbert Smith was knocked out by Barnatt, just as his teammates thought. They were worried about his cardio. After he struggled with wrestling against an English opponent in the first round, he was tired in the second. He lazily tried for a takedown, and got Barnatt's flying knee in the face.

"He lost the fight before he got here."
Jones said Smith lost the fight for his lack of confidence, but who can blame him? His coaches and teammates were openly unsure of his ability to fight. He was put up against the top pick on Team Sonnen, but wasn't sure he had anyone behind him.

With Barnatt's win, Team Sonnen got control of the fight and picked Uriah Hall to fight against Team Jones' Adam Cella.

What did you think of the show? Speak up in the comments, on Facebook or on Twitter.


Ed Herman Tank Abbott John Jones Chael Sonnen

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