Sunday, 27 April 2014

Too many cards

Many of the UFC's cards feature relative unknowns, and certain cards may not even have a relevant contender match-up.

Back in the "golden age" of MMA, I found myself waiting eagerly months in advance contemplating the outcomes of certain fights, and thinking about how amazing the 3 or 4 hours were going to be. Now, I usually DVR the fights, watch the first rounds of fights between any pair of guys I'm not familiar with, and I end up fast forwarding if they seemingly aren't of quality.

I guess it's my own problem, because I can always avoid watching events; but I feel like the product is so watered down these days that I might tune in to see Kundurp... so I barely look forward to the events as a whole, maybe just a fight here or there.

Mark Cuban recently made the statement that the NFL was going to implode in the next ten years in large part because of over-saturation.

I think ZUFFA runs the company like shit for many reasons, but this is chief among them.

What do you think?


Justin Eilers Jon Olav Einemo Per Eklund Jason Ellis

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